Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 20. Little Side Note!

So the whole point to this 60 day thing is to change the way I live.  To think healthy and to be healthy.  I have started making very healthy choices as opposed to the unhealthy alternative.  Last night at work I chose tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella for dinner.  I didn't even desire anything else.  I had about one quarter my mozzarella and just ate the rest of my tomatoes.  I love tomatoes. Campanelli tomatoes to be exact.  Right between Tomato on the Vine and cherry tomato size.  Perfect.  I chowed down on a whole container and you know what, I don't feel guilty!  I actually walked past a strawberry shortcake (if you remember my LOVE for those) and thought to myself "Hm, I have my tomatoes upstairs, I'm good." And it was only until I was enjoying my tomatoes that I realized, IT WORKED!  I have accomplished my goal of changing a portion of my lifestyle and making better food choices if definitely a BIG part.  The worst part of what I actually ate was the mozzarella and even that wasn't bad. We need dairy in our lives.  Unless we all remember to take our calcium and vitamin D in la mañana then yes, cheese and dairy is ok to cut out. But like the majority of us who remember to take their vitamins half way through their morning commute, actually eating dairy is OK! Just don't splurge.
Now weight, weight is a completely different story.  Since I started this twenty days ago my weigh has dropped and gone up and dropped and gone up and DROPPED and gone up.  I can't rely on the number I see on the scale and nor should anyone! It's just a number, just like age!  You're only as young as you feel?  Well, you're only as healthy as you feel too!  Inches are my new best friend because I'm telling you, I went from the third notch on my size large belt to needing to buy a smaller belt...... and that's JUST three weeks worth of trying. I am now down to a medium sized belt.... Noooot baaaad....

Next judge is me looking in the mirror.  I am SO pleased! My belly has slimmed down and my butt has firmed up. I can say for the first time in about three years am happy to see me in a mirror, or in a picture, or in the reflection off a window.  My boyfriend is wonderful and has from the very start always said I look beautiful so I have never felt pressure to look a certain way.  I just knew I was unhappy where I was.
Marilyn Monroe has always been a role model of mine. (All you haters can just exit now)  She spoke to her true self and was never self conscious of being the size she was.  She WAS the perfect size! Well here goes the truth:

Marilyn Monroe, one of any Americans lifetimes sexiest figures, was 5'5" and a size...........TWELVE!!!!! 12! She was what our society today calls............. PLUS size! Plus size is EVIL! Shun the nonbeliever shunnnnnnnnnnn!     And no one can argue, she was sexy as hell. Our dear ol' Norma Jean should have paved a path for healthy woman but society went and flipped its self upside down and backwards and turned the perfect woman into a size -0 with her hair and teeth falling out.

Well guess what, I'm not fooled! I was a size 12 and now I'm a size 10 and I would be friggin thrilled to eat whatever those size -0 chicks have left on their plates. I LOVE LEFTOVERS!

ALWAYS remember when you go to put on your jeans in the morning.....
Hell yea to women who KNOW how to be sexy...  As for you little skinny minnys just remember the number one important thing, look in the mirror and ask yourselves "How long would I survive at the end of the world?"  


Us thick chicks have the muscle, the fat (yes, a little fat is good!), and the brains to figure out a route and a plan; Skinny chicks will be dead after 30 days (they're already used to starving) 

Survival isn't about being skinny. It's about being healthy.
I would  choose team Marilyn over team scrawny bitch ANYDAY!

Go team Marilyn! I love you!

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