Friday, March 30, 2012


Uneventful couple of days, I went to the gym on Wednesday after work and ran the elliptical at intervals for 45 minutes.  Came home to a subway veggie lovers sub on wheat bread.  
Thursday was just one of those days that started off bad and just got worse and worse.  I should had known my bangs were trying to tell me to go back to bed when they wouldn't cooperate...
Chris and I went out to eat Thursday.  The cupboards are so bare and I really didn't want to rummage through them to find something.  I cheated. I had shrimp scampi mac n cheese.... lucky for me I only ate 1/4 of the portion, mainly the shrimp because when I got home and looked up the nutrition facts  NEVER DO THAT!  If you're going to go out to dinner do not look up the facts!  Now I have ingested a mediocre dish that was no where close to mac n cheese... it wasn't even worth it!  I knew I should have stuck with the herbed salmon with asparagus, broccoli, and tomato.
Oh well!

Friday...... Working tonight and I'm not hungry AT ALL.  Cup of tea in the morning.  I woke up feeling icky, sore throat, head ache, so I'm taking it easy today.  I'll probably just have salad tonight.

Moving this weekend so plenty of exercise to be had then!

Bom Dia.

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