Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 9. Struggling. Fajita Chicken

Today is one of those days where I should not have gotten out of bed.  For starters I worked late last night and had to be back there first thing this morning.  I had issues sleeping last night so by the time I finally got to bed it was about 1:30am and my alarm went off at 6:30am.  I'm used to my 8 hours, not this five hour b.s.
I debated whether or not to make my smoothie, I decided yes.  Then as I'm blending it at 7:00am I felt really guilty because you never realize how loud it is until you are deliberately trying to be quiet and not wake someone else.  Sorry honey!
Because I took time to make my smoothie, I didn't have enough time to stop and get my coffee; that should have been a forewarning that today is not going to be fun.
I took my probiotic pill, my two fat burners, and drank my smoothie on the way to work.  I felt funny all day..... I also took a Zyrtec last night because my allergies have been acting up.  That could be why I had trouble sleeping and why I felt funny all day, or it could be the probiotic and/or the fat burner.  I had this overwhelmed feeling like my body was going to go into anxiety made any minute.

Everything was going ok for the first half of the day.  I got hungry at about 11:30 so I had tuna mixed with tabouli, if you have never experienced tuna with tabouli you are missing out BIG TIME.  I was introduced to it about a year ago and I have never looked back!
Anyway, I was hoping that would give me energy but it seemed to do the exact opposite.  2 o'clock rolls around and I had to step outside to get fresh air because I just felt so off.  By the time 4pm came, I was exhausted.  I had an orange at about 3:30 but that didn't do a single thing.  I was tired, and cranky, and irritable.... did I mention the three letters P.M.S?
 I wish I were 5 years old again because I NEED A NAP.  Those kindergarten teachers have got the right idea with nap time, can we bring that back?
I had planned on making Rosemary chicken tonight but I left without rosemary so that idea was out.  Rummaging through the cabinets I decided on fajita style chicken with stop light pepper strips and 5 minute rice.  It's gonna be hard not to add cheese to this but I can do it!!!!!  I love Mexican food. I also spiced it up with some hot sauce... Read hear about all the benefits of hot sauce. 

Want to learn something?  Why do I use green plates? There actually is a method to my madness.

Food followed by sleep.
Double time at the gym tomorrow.

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