Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day seven. Cheat day numero uno

Today I am allowing myself to cheat, not to the extreme, just a little.  I believe that if you don't give yourself a free day, you're bound to cheat on your diet down the road, and usually once you start cheating you don't stop.... so setting aside one day a week gives me a day to look forward to and a start and finish to cheating.  I don't even want to cheat today. I had Belvita wafers for breakfast and a tuna sandwich for lunch (with cheese!!!!!).

I stepped on the scale this morning, I don't even know what prompted it, and it is 3 pounds lighter than when I stepped on the scale yesterday giving me a total weight loss of 7 pounds!  Even better!

The last time I tried a diet I was getting discouraged because I was only losing 2 pounds every other week, I was griping about it to one of my associates and she took me over to the meat department grabbed a 2 pound package of hamburg and gave it to me.  She said, this is two pounds, this is what you lost.... it's a lot!  You should be happy!
Ever since then I have thought of losing weight like that.  Thanks B.Will.!!
When I think about 7 pounds, I lost a whole friggin' pork shoulder!

Last day for my detox pills  then on to the probiotic replenishment and fat burner for the next seven.  I like that this is just a 14 day program to jump start my body.  I hat shaving to take a pill everyday and I also don't like the idea of using 'diet' pills.

Cheat day and what do I choose for dinner out of alllllllll the items in a supermarket??? A lean cuisine. I am such a cheater. I did give in to a slice of Boston Cream Pie and some cheese and crackers..... All set for the next week!

On to week two!

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