Monday, March 26, 2012

day 22. Body wrap tomorrow!!

So it's almost like my Noom has read my mind.  I had no sooner set up my appointment at Tranquil Waters for my slimming body wrap that Noom gave me my four goals for the day.... Walk, log lunch, read an article and...... measure my waist.  I was going to take all my measurements before I went in for this body wrap anyways!
Now, you may be wondering why I would go in for a body wrap....  Think back to sophomore year in high school Anatomy.  What is the bodies largest organ????  The skin!  So I am going to do detoxify my body starting with my largest organ.  I have already done the internal cleanse with Jillian Michaels 14 day jump start.  Now it's time to suck out all the toxins my body is holding through my skin.  Also most body wraps promise to help you lose as little as 2 to as many as 10 inches after a body wrap session.  I was reading up on these body wraps yesterday because my first thought was it is all going to be water weight and bloat inches, but tranquil waters claims the only way to put the inches back on is by gaining weight.  Hey, the best way to find out what this is all about is by getting one myself!  Stay tuned for the results.... I'm choosing my torso, arms, and legs for the wrap.

Pretty exciting personal milestone was hit today so my love came home to spend some time with me before he went back into work.  We had breakfast courtesy of his culinary skills and now it's time to take the pooches for a walk!

Don't forget to stretch!

Alright, ready to go!

P.S. I went and indulged in a little retail therapy yesterday and it's pretty awesome to buy pants in a smaller size that I'm used to!  I didn't buy too many because this is just the start!  Tons of other really cute stuff though.... I Love New Your and Company.....

I'll be back tomorrow to either rave or rant about my wrap!
:) LB

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