Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 6, weigh in

So I didn't make it to bed at 8 last night, it was more like 10:30... I had some crazy dreams though about tidal waves and trucks driving houses onto the beach.... strange.  Anyway, I woke up this morning still a bit tired but it's time to weigh in! I don't expect any dramatic weight loss considering the work I have been doing at the gym is basically all about muscle formation and toning.
 I usually don't even judge my 'weight-loss' by the number I see on the scale, I judge it by my belt notches.  Belt notches say it's time to buy a smaller belt and scale says I've LOST 4lbs!!  :)
So how do I celebrate this?  I turn on Giada at home and torture myself drooling over the food she's making.... Magic bars, Chinese turkey salad, and .  Mmmm look at all that fat, and salt, and carbs, and calories.

Rather then giving in to my sweet tooth and want for indulgence, I turned to the trusty green smoothie.  Now, the last time me and Mr. Smoothie met I couldn't kill him.... this time around I will!
I ran out of pineapples so I had to rummage.  I still had frozen mixed berries but that made it a little bitter so I went with one orange.  I also used a cup of Chobani fruit on the bottom blueberry.  So the recipe for todays smoothie is as follows:
2 bananas
1 orange
1 cup Chobani blueberry
2 handfuls spinach
splash of vanilla
flax seed
and WATER!
Blend blend blend, and it is FANTASTIC!  Actually the best one I've made yet.  I think orange will permanently take the place of the pineapple.

No gym today either. I ran out of time.  :(  I'll be at work walking my 5 miles though!

See you next week!

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