Friday, March 16, 2012

Accidental Cheat day 12! Garlic Scallops

So today was my day off... I crawled out of bed at about 10am and had a glass of cranberry juice.  After that I got wrapped up in my pinterest and lost track of time.  My cousin texted me at about 1pm to see if we were still on for lunch so I got dressed and went to go visit her at her florist shop.
We ordered out and I got a caprese panini,  it came with onion rings................ who can turn down onion rings when they're already on your plate!!!!  And on top of that it came with a spicy dipping sauce....  I ate some of them.  I did, I accidentally deliberately cheated! And it tasted so good!
I ended up staying with her all day and helping her close up shop.  So I got home at about 5:30pm.  This is just an all in all bad week for the gym!  I'm going to kick myself when I step on that scale on Monday but I just don't have it in me this week.

It's fish Friday!  No steak tips tonight, it's going to be hard to match those delicious chunks of meat.

I decided to cook scallops.  The recipe I settled on was Garlic Scallops.  Easy enough.

2 tbsps margarine in a skillet with a big spoonful of minced garlic.  Let the garlic heat up and get that flavor infused in the margarine.  Mix 3 tbsps flour with salt and pepper to taste.  I added crushed red pepper as well.  Coat the scallops with the flour and put in skillet.  Let cook for about 5 minutes then turn and repeat.  Done.  Piece of cake!
While I was cooking the scallops Mr. Fantastic made a wonderful salad.  He brought home two crab cakes to go with dinner so I just stuck them in the microwave for 3 minutes.

Here's what I got!

I had 6 scallops, the crab cake, and a little salad.  I was still very stuffed from lunch.  I feel like I major over ate!

Oh well.  Better luck next week!

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