Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 2..........White Bean Chili

So I made my disgusting looking green smoothie last night before I went to bed so I could take it with me to work.  I drank half of it sitting in Providence traffic but it didn't go well with my coffee so I saved the second half for work.   So sitting talking to my boss he glances to my left and exclaims "Oh my God Booth what are you drinking?? Please tell me that's not another cabbage soup diet?"   Hahaha  Then I opened it and the lid got stuck and the container threw up on me.  So typical.

So I am on my feet constantly at work, going up and down stairs and up and down and up and down....  At least I got to work through the soreness from my Body Pump workout yesterday.  I wore a pedometer a couple months back and on average I walk about 5 miles a day just at work alone.  When I was at Ocean State Job Lot the other day I was looking for ankle weights but they didn't have any, I'm kinda glad after today :)  But I will keep looking.  NO PAIN NO GAIN!

I discovered an awesome salad today.  Ready.... wait for it......

Blue Cheese Crumbles
Dried Cherries
Sliced Almonds
White Balsamic Vinaigrette

I couldn't put it down it was so good!  I def recommend.

After work, I had every intention in the world on going to my 5:30 Body Pump class but it is near impossible to get to that class :( I wish it were later.  If I can even get out of work at 5 o'clock on the dot I have to cross my fingers that I don't hit any traffic between Cumberland and Swansea.  Today I received a call at about 4:15pm saying I had to drop off about 50 cakes at a neighboring store for the horse and pony show.  By the time I was leaving that store it was 6pm and THEN I hit traffic on 146, 95, and 195.  And I still had to get home to make dinner.

What's for dinner you ask?  White bean chicken and corn chili.  I picked up a McCormicks seasoning packet, boneless skinless chicken breast,canned corn, and cannelloni beans.  It said to heat 2 tbsps oil and cook the chicken but I used plain chicken broth, reduced sodium and fat free.... I can smell it right now and I can't wait to taste it.

I'm going to kick my but with squats and crunches tonight.

Wish me luck!

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