Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 32: Yes, I have lost weight!

I stumbled across this article today about Crystal Renn.  She is a size 12 supermodel who started out like the rest of them, too skinny unhealthy and told they're perfect by societies standards.

She changed that real fast. Turned herself into what is beautiful by realities standards...(click here for the article)

This article was called "Yes, I have lost weight" and it goes through a multitude of photos from the beginning of her career all the way to where she is today.  It was very interesting the way they spun the "I have lost weight."  She didn't literally lose weight, she lost the concept of weight.  Something we all should do!  What I have said all along, the number on the scale is BULL SHIT!  Are you healthy? That's what's important!  I started all this not because of the number I saw on the scale, I hardly EVER step on the scale.... I started this because I had no energy, I felt frumpy, I had issues sleeping.....
I had already drastically cut back on my alcohol intake, quit smoking, started taking vitamins and was using exercise and my Yogi tea as a way to relieve stress... but I guess I also turned to eating WHATEVER I wanted.
That is not the way to be either.  So I changed my mindset.  My little sister had posted yesterday a quote:

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."
                          -Norman Vincent Peale

That is exactly what I have been doing and it has been working!  I feel healthy now, mind, body, and soul.  Life is great.  And it's not because of anything anyone said or did.  I didn't get a promotion, I actually got shipped to a very chaotic store which is very stressful.  I didn't win the lottery. Nothing spectacular happened in my life. I just started being grateful to be me. I look in the mirror and I like what I see because of me. I did this, and to feel good about myself BECAUSE of myself is the best feeling.  You should try it.
They say in the past people thought that mirrors had the ability to show you your soul..... so what does that say when you see something ugly looking back? Change your thoughts, and change your world. 

Anywho... life in the new house is still a mishmash so I haven't had time to cook any new spectacular meals.... I have eggs and spinach every morning.  Next weeks vacation, I WILL be back on track!

Catch ya later alligator!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Past 5 days!

So I have fallen off the face of the earth since March 31st.  What a BUSY past 5 days!  I'll catch you up..... Saturday my boss let me out of work a little bit early.  I came home, put on bum my clothes, and immediately started packing up things.  First all the food and such, then onto the dishes and cupboards, then the bathroom, some of the bedrooms, etc.... Chris came home with more boxes and newspapers for packing.  We were both nonstop until about 7:30.  We decided to pack up his truck and bring the boxes to the new house.  It takes so much less time to unpack a truck then it does to load one up!
By then we were done and starvinggggggg!  We grabbed some sandwiches and called it a night.
Sunday we had tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters at the Dunk for 2pm so we didn't really have all that much time in the morning.   We went to Stop and Shop and picked up some more empty boxes and met a verrrry interesting character.  I'm going to have to side note here with how this encounter went........... Skip if you get offended easy.

Chris and I walked in the back door and there was a truck driver standing in the back room.  He didn't say anything to us until Chris asked him if he needed assistance.  At that point the truck driver told us we shouldn't be walking in the back door but a quick "it's ok we work here" was enough to quiet him. He then left and we didn't think twice about him.
We get outside with our empty boxes and the truck driver walks over to us again and says he noticed the Harley Davidson sticker on Chris's truck and says Chris should be out riding on such beautiful day.  Chris goes into the story of his bike getting stolen etc etc etc.  Truck driver then goes into a story about how he had a bike stolen from him a ways back and he found out who the guy was.  The guy was in a 'club' so I guess he was bragging within earshot about stealing this guys bike.  Truck driver then says he sees the guy one night piss drunk and beats the.... out of him and brags to us, two people he JUST MET, about how the guy will never walk again.
And it doesn't stop here....... he then goes into story about how one day he was riding his bike with a date on the back and some young girl was tailing him all the way down 195.  He says this girl was 10 feet behind him regardless of his speed. So he lets her pass, then he jumps on her ass.... She takes the Wareham exit and so does and he passes her and waits... she stops to get gas and he jumps out and..... the story got very graffic here with him telling us he is very adept in martial arts and knows that he broke both her occipital lobes and every time she looks in a mirror she'll remember what happened when she tailed a biker.
ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!?????????? WTF!? We JUST met this guy and he's telling us this all because Chris has a Harley sticker on his truck.....  You can say I jumped in the car and closed the door before he even finished the story.  He then says if eh had a gun he would have pulled it out and shot her straight through her head....... I mean, WHAT THE HELL KIND OF PEOPLE IS HE!?  Mentally insane if you ask me!

End of side note........

So we then leave and go to Cardi's to buy a new bed frame.  I thought I was gonna get a new bed out of the deal but a bed frame will have to do for now.

The Harem Globetrotters were pretty entertaining. And we were out of there by 4:30.  That gave us enough time to swig by Sears and pick up our gas stove. So we got that and dropped it off at the new house, last night at old house!

Monday, wake up early, pick up UHaul at 9am and ready set go! Pack pack  pack, move move move, unpack unpack unpack, drive drive drive, pack pack pack, move move move, drive drive drive, unpack unpack, unpack..... that cycle went on until about 4:30.  Then we discovered an issue with the hot water heater so I had to shower at the old house when we went and did our final pack and grabbed the dogs.

First night in the new house was, m i s e r a b l e.  Fan was too loud, heat was too hot, road was way too loud, window too bright, Chris snoring, too hot, Toby had a seizure, cleaned up puke, piss, and crap.  Moved to spare bedroom upstairs, heard noises, imagination went wild, couldn't sleep til 4am, rooster! 5:30am, loud loUD LOUD road, back downstairs, more snoring, more heat, fan back on.... aw screw up I'm getting up.  Needless to say I was running on about an hour and a half of sleep yesterday.

But yesterday was better.  I bought black out curtains for the room, new cooler sheets and a cotton bed blanket, went grocery shopping so no more scrounging, Hoo Mee Chow Mein for dinner. Chris came home from work, we watched a movie, I put my ear plugs in and............ ahhhh morning. I slept straight through the night!

Now I'm waiting for the Dish Network guy to figure out how to get us reception out here in the middle of nowhere..... better him then me!

Well, notice I didn't really talk about food because I did not really eat that great.  Hard to do so when you let your cupboards run empty and have to live off of whatever you can find. :X

I'll get back on track ASAP.

Until then.....